Having done an excessive amount of walking over the recent weeks at the range of Christmas In July events this was lovely. In previous years shoulders and then backs have had Shiatsu attention, this year it is the turn of feet.
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This device can be controlled by a toe as no need even to bend down to turn it on or off.
It is 33cm wide, 35cm deep and 9cm tall at the edges just slightly higher between your two feet so it can even slide under a lot of furniture.
Come in, shoes and socks off and relax the pressure of the day away and get your feet ready to face more work.
The two feet panels are 20cm long 8cm wide at the heel and 10cm wide at the toes so all but the largest feet can be totally massaged.
Under the fine black material covering are three rotating discs each with three protrusions for each foot. Touch the on/off button once and they start rotating and your feet start feeling the benefit. I tested this in the hottest part of the year so this mode got good use, however there is another mode and touch the on/off button again and not only do the discs rotate but you can see them rotating as a red light is behind each wheel and give it a few seconds and you also start to feel a gentle heat.
Interestingly you are told not to use it just before going to bed as it has a stimulating effect.
As with any decent massage device the reason for the massage is excess, in my case excess of walking, of course if I were fit – which I am not – the six, seven and half, five and half, six and a half and close to eight miles that I have walked during one week of travels would only be a slight discomfort. Back that up with around three miles on the Saturday and four miles round the local boot fair on the Sunday previously makes an average of five miles a day for a week if only the massager had arrived a few days earlier the pain would not have peaked that Saturday in so much that I could hardly walk.
At this point you are waiting for me to say a few sessions with the Shiatsu Foot Massager and I was OK again, sadly not, at my advanced age I do not recover quickly but it helped and slowly I began to be able to walk a little more and after four days rest managed to walk slowly to my local station for yet another Christmas In July event. I was glad it was the only event of the day and that there was no walking as a bus from the station in London stopped outside the door of the event.
Still next day after another couple of sessions my foot was a little stronger and while I still have a distinct limp the pain is less and the massager is surely partly responsible.
The Homedics Deluxe Shiatsu Full Foot Massager with heat is available from the link below for £43.85 with free delivery.