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It is 25.5cm wide, 21cm deep and 2.5cm thick. One reason for the extra thickness is that it uses ‘AA’ batteries rather than ‘AAA’.
The actual weighing surface is 22.5x14cm with the central part of the area in the front of this taken by the 9x3cm display. Touch the area to the left side of the display to change the weighing units or to pause the function of the scale. Touch the area to the right of the scale to turn the scale on/off or to zero the scale before adding the next ingredient.
There is a 32 page A5 My Cook multi language book with two pages in English that explain the controls.
The possible weight units are grams, ml, lb.oz and fl.oz the movement is sequential.
The pause function is great when you place something on the scale that hides the display once the pause function is pressed the item can be lifted from the scale but the weight is still shown for several seconds before returning to normal use automatically. No other button works for 15 seconds during the pause function.
This scale is ideal for working with larger items like a heavy jam pan which would not normally function correctly on a standard 5 kilo scale.
The scale will automatically turn off after two minutes of inactivity. On next turn on the measurement will be in that when last turned off so if you were using lb.oz when last used that is what you get on next turn on.
The numerals on the display are shown in a white light on a grey background and are 3x1cm in size so even someone with less than perfect eye sight should be able to read the numerals easily.
The stainless steel platform means it is easy to wipe clean and even items that are hot can be placed on the scale without problem.
I have been using this scale for a couple of months and it has done everything I asked without problem, the pause function is great as it could save physiotherapy bills from you bending and twisting to try to see the scale from a strange angle when the display is obscured by a larger container.
The accuracy goes down to .1 gram and I doubt many receipts need things as accurate as that.
I liked the wipe clean of the stainless steel finish and I was happy to place hot things on it without worrying about burning of the scale taking place.
These scales are available from Amazon is £50.65 and full details are available from the companies website.