On a recent visit to London during the rounds of Xmas In July I saw a rather nice coffee machine – reviewed 1st September – an electric scooter - sorry no review – and this water bottle. The contents come out as a clear liquid even if they are put in with colour, no it’s not a magic trick but the secret is in the filter inside of what is otherwise like a quality padded standard water bottle.
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The example I saw at the event was the demonstrator pouring a cola into the bottle and a clear liquid emerging from the bottle. Yes I did ask the question about passing your own ‘water’ into the bottle and would the liquid coming out be drinkable, he said he had not tried it and before you ask neither have I during my tests.
The bottle states ‘removes up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses + more’.
If has a built in filter and this is said to last ‘3 months or 175 litres’ this is stated on the box as ‘300 bottles’.
The box mentions cysts, heavy metals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and organic contaminants.
While we hope that the liquid coming out of our taps has none of the above their could be times when say camping that no water from a tap is available and while a stream or river may look clean it’s nice to know that the water filtered through this should then be safe to drink.
The model being tested here is the ‘pod +’ which is available in Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red or White.
The front and back of the bottle are a clear plastic and the sides have a black rubberised sleeve to protect the bottle from the odd drop. The base is also covered in the rubberised material.
You can flip the lid to drink through the filter; when you close the flip lid there is a reassuring click that lets you know the contents are sealed, the lid and filter unit can be unscrewed to refill the bottle with around one pint of liquid or up to 585grams.
The filter uses technology developed by NASA, while the filter may remove the containments it will not necessarily improve the taste and the filter has a layer of pure activated coconut so depending on an allergy it may not be suitable for those with nut problems.
In my tests with a range of substances including red wine I was not that impressed with the taste but I do agree that the colour was removed and I must believe their claims about various other non-desirable substances but at my age I am not going to test the water from my garden pond or indeed my own water voluntarily.
So who would want this in the UK perhaps only those into ‘wild camping’ but in other countries where the water supply is less than perfect something like the pod + could save days off sick with a dodgy tummy or far more serious illnesses.
I see they are involved in Live Movement to match litre for litre drinking water for children in need.
While the bottle with filter is just under £15 a replacement filter is around half that.
The nkd pod is available from Amazon for £14.90 with free delivery for most colours although for some strange reason the Pink is only £12.99.