A new name to me but I got up at the crack of dawn – or what is the crack of dawn to me at my age – and travelled through the London rush hour for a briefing held at a house in the Kings Cross area of London to get to know their products, I liked what I saw and in time you should hear about three of the items I saw, first an overview of their whole range.
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If you have a decent bicycle you will know that keeping it safe from being stolen is not easy and in the back garden of the house I saw a number of locks that would defy almost all thieves and send them looking for an easier target. These range from locks and chains to multi sided metal that will make bolt cutters small enough to carry ineffective. They have locks with key entry so small that picking them would only work in TV programs. They even showed a pair of near normal looking handcuffs linked by chain links that will deft most.
As we all get older we need a safe place to store keys – not like an elderly neighbour used to do so under a flower pot – but for occasions when others may need to gain entry to your home either because you are unable to answer the door or even to feed to pet. I am going to look at a couple of these key safes that are extremely solid and can be bolted to a wall and one of them can even be operated by Bluetooth.
Next a group of padlocks again they do a range from the type we used to secure a bike chain with operated by a number combination but also far more sophisticated offerings that have no key or keypad they can be opened by various combinations of touches in north, south, east and west touches, you decide how complex to make the combination. I have also asked to look at one of these.
They also do a range of fireproof and waterproof safes so even if your home is damaged by fire or flood the lining of these protect papers such as passports and birth certificates from harm, I was told that paper will burn when the external temperature reaches 123 degrees Celsius. So without the special lining when you recover some normal safes the contents could still be destroyed.
Returning to padlocks they have a push key lock which may not seem that exciting but for a lot of people who cannot make precise movements having a wide solid key fob may mean they can still open a gate etc.
The one thing I never saw were door locks themselves but other companies seem to have that area all locked up.
Full details of all the items I have mentioned here are on the MasterLock website.