This is one of several security software products that promise to keep you safe. What each product promises is slightly different so they all have a place according to what you want, here an offering from Panda their Internet Security offering.
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The ‘Dome’ is what they claim will protect you; some of the offerings are switched on by default others are up to you.
When you click on it the front screen will tell you your PC is protected and how many files it has scanned in my case 162,216 when I looked, scroll down the Window to see exactly what is and is not currently protected.
The first choice is Scan and this would take place when required once done it then checks everything extra as it is connected or attached. Anti-Virus is on by default and every time you attach a memory stick you are offered the chance to check it.
VPN (virtual private network) is there and up to you if you use it.
My Devices offer the chance to protect other items things like mobile phones for instance.
By default the Data Shield is set to off but a simple click in the window turns it on.
Wi-Fi protection is set to on, not just to stop others stealing your bandwidth as once they have got that far they are part way to your data.
The next choice is support and if something seems wrong then it probably is and they are there to help.
Personal Firewall is set to on and like Anti-Virus should not be turned off.
Application Control is set to off this might be better on unless you are sure you know what is coming from where. Next is Parental Controls (default is off) unless children use the PC then it should definitely be on and in the case of older children behind a password that only the parent or guardian knows.
Safe Browsing is on and it should be as typing just one character wrong could get you to a site that looks like the one you want but it is not.
USB protection is set to on and it is easy not to check but if you don’t it’s down to you.
Process Monitor is there to help keep you safe so leave it on the default setting.
Rescue Kit is there to help remove viruses.
Virtual Keyboard is there for typing things like bank details and stops key loggers collecting key stokes as they are typed.
The last two items tell you how many devices you can protect and finally how to upgrade should you need things not covered.
The only real test of any of the security products is an attack; well random attacks are happening all the time and like a shield they are batted away. With any decent product you should be unaware of what it does it just lets you get on with your day.
Panda do a range of products valid for a year from initial installation.
Panda Dome Advanced is available from link below for £23.19