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Love or Argument
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No doubt you have heard the rumour that has recently been making the rounds on social media and other outlets. I know I have come across several instances that certainly re-enforce the message being delivered by this rumour mill. However just in case you are one of the few who have managed to isolate themselves from such trivia. I should explain that there is a belief that the digital world was developed to help us in different aspects of our lives. But, of course, there will always be somebody who will not agree with this sentiment as can be seen from a recent research conducted by our good friends at Kaspersky who represent the “White Hat” side of Russian software activity.
As the greater majority of the devices, making up the digital environment, are used for communications, the Kaspersky research concentrated its focus on the relationships between users in touch with each other. Taking a “swings and roundabout” approach, this ability to stay connected with each other can come with both pros and cons of the experience.
Lets take a look first at the concept of “connected love” as many people use their devices as a form of security blanket to stay in touch with their family, friends and anybody who is considered important. According to the data gathered by Kaspersky as part of the survey, 8-in-10 people state that they always stay in contact with their partner via an online connection whenever they are apart from each other. Of these 60% of people are of the opinion that this form of communication, using devices and the virtual world of the Internet, helps them feel closer to their partner no matter how great the physical distance between them.. For those dating, but not actually co-habiting, this figure rises to 75%. When shared devices are taken in consideration then 53% of people believe that their relationship with their partner has improved since they began sharing their online experience – not just sharing the use of devices but also any accounts they may have set up for the purpose.
The results of the survey revealed that there is always the possibility that positives can go hand-in-glove with negatives. The Kaspersky research clearly shows that not only can devices bring you closer together and enhance the loving experience but, according to the data collected by Kaspersky, the same device can drive a wedge in relationships as arguments ensue between loved ones over a series of issues such as cybersecurity incidents and overuse of the device.
Arguments could be caused by a number of reasons. Of those surveyed, 51% admitted to have been involved with arguments that have arisen as a result of a device being used during a meal or face-to-face conversations – hopefully the latter did not occur straight after the former type of incident just to rub salt into the wound. Even those people, 55% in total, have admitted to have argued with a partner over the issue of spending too much time on the device. This figure is higher at 58% for couples living together than those, just 49%, who are dating but living separately so perhaps do not have the first-hand evidence of the amount of over-use.
Of course over-use is not the only argument-causing issue. 25% of users have argued over whose turn it is to actual have possession and use a shared device. Even more, with 45% of users, have admitted to disagreements being caused over who was the one responsible for charging the device especially after a period of heavy use. I was a little surprised to see that just 28% of people stated that losing a device was the cause of an argument as I expected a higher number to be recorded in this instance but maybe losing devices did not include those that were stolen.
An even lower figure, of 24% of couples, have argued as a result of one party being responsible for infecting a shared device with malware. Follow-up arguments can then occur when one partner lost money online due to a malware infection. 18% fall into this category.
Of course, Kaspersky being a commercial company, with expertise in the development of security protection, has a solution to reduce the possibility of these types of argument. This solution is Kaspersky Total Security. With pricing starting at £39.99, this product is available for up to five devices on a one or two year contract. Check out the Kaspersky website for more details.
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