While most seem happy to say YES when completing a 1000 piece puzzle me included I started my quest before Christmas on two larger offerings a 3000 piece one eventually completed, meant time to start a 5000 piece offering.
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click image to enlargeOf course even these are tiny in comparison to the 32,000 plus pieces in the world’s largest jigsaw that they produce. See last paragraph.
Worlds Highest Buildings
For me anyhow a 2000 piece jigsaw is at the very least ‘a challenge’, it also has an awful lot of various shades of blue.
At 98x75cm it requires both time and space so shortly before Christmas I cleared my dining room table and bit by slow bit I got some sort of order, finding the outside and then started building in, Christmas was a good time as it meant I could give it a lot more time, I suppose nearly three weeks before and during the new year.
Around twenty spikes make up this collage, a couple of small sailing ships break the pattern and all the items are described in the water below but as the buildings are more of less the same shape not easy the last nine are shown at night and this does give some clues. If you are a keen puzzler then this will certainly be a challenge.
My relief when this was completed was short lived as I knew I had an even harder and larger one to try to do next.
Ravensburger 16 632 9 Worlds Highest Buildings is available from the link below for £18.99 with free delivery.
Underwater Tranquillity

click image to enlargeAs yet I have not competed this, it may well take a long time, the image looks lovely, fish turtles and coral a good range of colours though there is naturally a good amount of blue as its undersea, so what is the problem then?
5000 is the number of pieces I have never attempted such a large puzzle and while elated that I completed the 2000 piece one above this is a lot bigger at 153x101cm and probably really beyond the stubborn old git doing it.
Well after a couple of months I have my dining table littered with a number of sections and lots of various fish parts as well as turtles, I think in future I will stick at 1000 or less – yes I know I am a coward but there is a stage between enjoyment and pain and this is rapidly crossing the border, you look and then you still do not see.
Ravensburger Underwater Tranquillity 17 426 3 is available from the link below for £45.36 including free delivery.
Worlds Largest Jigsaw 32,256 pieces
I mentioned the Worlds Largest Puzzle see the link below if you think you are up to it, I certainly AM NOT.