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The scale is 26x15.5x1.5cm and weighs 606 grams with the required – not supplied – 3x‘AAA’ inserted.
The batteries are inserted in the back of the scale and each corner is raised slightly by a tiny foot to insure accurate measurement.
The deck of the scale has a 5.5cm circular window towards the right side with four buttons – two above and two below – each is well marked, but if you are unsure of their use look in the A5 seven language manual that has seven well illustrated pages in English.
Before you start you need to download the Terraillon App from either the iOS or Android store. You need a free account and this involves some personal information like age, weight, height etc.
Next turn on Bluetooth on your phone and then the scale and the two will connect.
Perhaps the most time consuming part is finding your food in the alphabetic list in the App.
Then enter the day, hour and type of meal, as an example bread, butter and jam could be breakfast with each item weighed on the scale.
If you are using a product with a barcode this can be scanned and then add it to your’ Dashboard’ if not found enter it manually. You can then enter nutritional information.
Once you have done these actions they can form your own receipts and this will save a little time.
I am old enough to remember my grandmother who lived through two world wars who always insisted that there should be at least twenty minutes between courses and that way you ate less.
The scale has other functions it can weight or convert liquid units and solid units with a sequential gram, ml, ounce, fl.oz and gram sequence.
It is also possible to weigh an ingredient in a container by turning the scale off and on again. It also has a timer button that can be set to minutes and seconds as described in the manual.
For those who weigh every single thing that goes in their mouth then this device can help in the obvious way of measuring weight but also in the time taken to do it and then by the time you have looked up and measured and seen the calories etc. you might decide not to have it anyway.
The box states ‘Connected for the long-term monitoring of energy intakes, to track the calories and the main five recommended daily intakes.’ This sounds a little strange as Terraillon are a French company so that is a translation.
While the scale itself is accurate and a young person fanatical about their weight and trying to lose the odd pound might like it I found the whole effort very hard work. But then again for some exact intake is vital so this should help and as mentioned the effort of entering everything could well dim the initial hunger.
The Terraillon Nutritab is available from Amazon for £53.11 with free delivery.