I put a pair of glasses down around five months ago, they are still hiding from me, if they had this little item attached to them that could not have happened. In fact you can attach the Tile to anything that has a way for you to attach.
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The 'Tile' measures 2.8x2.8x.5cm and has a large 1cm round hole towards one corner that means it could be attached to a key ring of you could even attach things to it by a piece of string. If you are worried by extra weight don’t be it weighs 8grams.
The App downloads quickly and you then need to complete a Setup that consists of an email address and a password. A six figure number is then sent to your email address and you enter this on your phone in the App just one more thing to do press the ‘E’ of Tile and you will hear a tone this communicates with your phone and the two are linked. Give your tile a name like Keys, Bike, Wallet or anything else that you might attach it to.
It can also work in reverse so if you double press your Tile your phone rings so when you say have your keys with the Tile attached but your phone is hiding under the Duvet two presses on the Tile will ring your phone even if you have it set to silent.
You need to have Bluetooth turned on and during the setup it asks and does this for you.
Most items are ‘misplaced’ around the home and this would normally be within normal Bluetooth range and as you get closer to the object it tells you so on a map so just like following the dot on Google Maps you know you are going in the correct direction.
Of course Tile would like you to purchase several such devices and assuming you give each device that has one attached a distinctive name you should be able to locate them all.
Placing one on the collar of a pet such as a dog or cat can mean they can be located when a scent they are following is more attractive than your voice. Perhaps even on a tortoise if you have a large garden and even when it finds a gap in the fence it should be easy to locate.
Let’s say you placed your Tile under the saddle of your Bike and you Bike has been stolen you list it as stolen and every other Tile user gets notified and when that Bike is in range then they can notify Tile who can then notify you where your Bike/Tile is.
This is a similar device to the Wistiki Voila that I reviewed recently. Both rely on the wider community to find things lost/stolen once they are out of Bluetooth range. Bluetooth range when outside is far greater than indoors especially if you have concrete walls.
Tile is available from the link below for £19.95 they are also available in packs of four for £49.95 or packs of eight for £99.99.