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The VAX Spot Wash Duo is 40cm tall, 17cm wide and 32cm deep, the fitted hose is 1.5metres long.
The cleaning solution goes into an area in the centre of the unit under the carrying handle, at the front is the clean water tank and at the back the dirty water tank.
On one side is where you insert the end of the hose to run a cleaning cycle on the hose and beside this is a wrap area for the hard wired power lead. There are four heads to attach to the end of the hose.
A twelve page A5 booklet has plenty of illustrations to help you do everything from setting up to cleaning the unit itself and this explains which tool to do what.
The unit comes with a 250mg bottle of spot washer which is described as being for rugs, upholstery and carpets. This liquid is stated to kill 99% of bacteria.
If you register online your 12 month warranty is increased to 24 months.
Everything can be stored in the box it arrives in and then the chance of one of the cleaning bits going AWOL is greatly reduced.
Yes you will most likely need to get on your hands and knees but being close to the stained area lets you see when the job is done and if the stain had a smell it also gets your nose nearer to see if the aroma has improved.
Most of us can only move things one way of another so a spot washer is probably the best tool for the job, big or small.
So once unpacked fill the clean water tank with warm water – no more than 40 degrees C – then read the rest of the instructions and my advice clean with your vacuum round the area that you want to clean, depending on the size of the job a few minutes should be all it takes, then keep others away till the area has time to properly dry.
At the time of publication the VAX Spot Wash Duo is available from Amazon for £99.