Late this summer I discovered a charming gift shop not that far from London. It has a whole range of items at affordable prices. Just in case you do not live that near they have a web site and of course they do mail order.
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Edutainment is a dirty word – among children – it describes products that educate as well as entertain, here two such items first a Kaleidoscope Making Kit, I certainly remember having one as a child here with the aid of the bits you can make your own. Second a Doodling Robot that once again a child can make so both have Educational value.
Kaleidoscope Making Kit
This kit is described as suitable for children over eight years. Unlike the Kaleidoscope I had as a child that just had a few pieces of plastic or glass to make the patterns this kit has a range of items included and indeed you could even include your own.
First the important essentials, cardboard tube (paper cone), holographic foil, set chamber with removable lid, three safety mirrors, four sets of trinkets, three colour filters and a eye piece cover. Double sided tape and full instructions.
I found this great fun and knowing how it is made makes the fun even greater as well as wising up the child to the use of mirrors.
One fact – on the box – the kaleidoscope was invented at the start of the 18th century, so even before I was born.
It comes from a firm called Kidz Lab and is a creative and fun science kit. Without spending a fortune you will open a child’s mind to what can be achieved with just a few items. A great toy and best of all the child learns.
It is available for £11.99 from the link below
Doodling Robot
As the name suggests this item moves and once created can draw patterns. Once again however the fun is in the construction as well as the end result.
The items not included but that will be required is one ‘AA’ battery, a small crosshead (Philips) screwdriver and a good supply of paper for the robot to doodle on once he has been constructed by an agile mind, everything else required is supplied.
The list of bits is quite complete and comprehensive, baseplate, transparent cover, weight, bolts and nuts, screws, terminal caps, arm supports, pen holders, arm ends, adhesive tape, motor cover, motor and of course the felt tip pens.
Again certainly not for small children (small bits) and again the recommended age is eight plus. A fun toy becomes an education, which in itself is that word hated by children Edutainment but I feel it fits the bill here perfectly.
While this item does not carry the KidZ Lab logo it does carry the 4M logo that the kaleidoscope kit had so it’s the same basic source.
There are others in the range stocked by Clairabella so have a good ferret round the shop if you are nearby or search their website at your leisure, not only toys and games but gifts for everyone, including some amazing soaps that look exactly like cup cakes with multi colour icing etc all made out of soap they look absolutely amazing.
It is available for £12.99 from the link below.
Comment by rajni, 15 Jan 2011 10:49