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The box does not need to be destroyed to access the contents, while this may not matter I consider it a plus that allows all the accessories to remain in place for the times they are required.
In the box is a solid 11x9.5cm zip up case and inside this a weighted container that has exact positions for each earbud and a waist to wind the connecting cable around, so with luck you will store the buds in the container and the case when out and about.
The buds themselves should be worn around the neck or possibly the back of the neck you choose. The distance between buds is 50cm and the small 4x.7x.5cm control box 5cm down from the right bud. If you place behind the neck it might be difficult to reach the control box.
There is a small 18x15cm Quick Guide in German and English that explains changing earbud tips and connection and use of the unit, minimal but adequate.
Also in the box are three extra pairs of different sized buds cleverly placed in a tube which can also be partly filled with water to facilitate cleaning of the buds, a tie or collar clip to keep the cord in position and a short 30cm micro USB to USB lead to charge the unit.
There are three buttons on the control box and an LED which shows red when charging and flashing blue when linking. The micro USB lead fits into the side of the control box behind a rubber bung. This box has a pin hole microphone that works surprisingly well in both the front and back position use.
The silicon rubber buds are set at an angle and to hear bass sounds they do need to be fully inserted in the ear.
I never quite made the ‘up to 20 hours runtime’ claimed but did get to just over 18 hours. I can confirm the claimed charge time of 2 hours.
The claim of ‘up to 30 metres’ could shall we say be possible in an open field but very few will let their SmartPhone be more than an arm’s length away anyway.
My test files consist of all forms or music and speech were loaded onto my phone from their normal MP3 player usage position.
I was happy with the sound given and just to emphasize to get full bass response you do need to make sure the buds are fully inserted in your ears.
Like most older people the higher register is the first to suffer so the female voice does need support.
I am informed this is Teufel’s first earbud offering and happening as it does with Apples recent change to remove the 3.5mm socket will surely be a boost to sales.
They have an interesting 8 week right of return offer and also a 12 year guarantee.
The Teufel Move BT earbuds are available from the link below for £99.99 with free delivery.