Skullcandy Ecobuds 

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This is possibly the easiest set of Ear Buds I have reviewed to link to a phone or other such device. However there is another side as Skullcandy do seem to be taking the environment seriously as there was not a single piece of plastic anywhere in the box there was only paper and card both of which are recyclable.

skullcandy ecobuds
click image to enlarge

The whole box is only 10x6x2.5cm but everything you need including the recharge unit are included, even two extra sets of buds.

The charge unit is only 5x3x2cm with a short 3cm long USB 'C' lead that wraps around the side to live in the base of the unit. The buds are stored in there when not in use and you remove them to link to your device. The total weight of the charge unit with the buds is only 21grams.

As the lead is USB 'C' the ideal place to charge it is your phone or other device to use a USB plug would need an adapter -not supplied- but as most modern notebooks and tablets now have USB 'C' this should not be a problem.

There is a fold out sheet 'User Guide' that takes you through everything from initial setup to what touches do what on which earbud.

Now onto the most important thing sound quality it was rather good considering the low cost, then perhaps the second most important thing wearability, I normally have problems with most earbuds after around an hour or so wearing as my ears tend to expand a little so they become uncomfortable not so with these as I was able to wear them for at least double that time before discomfort set in. A full charge lasts around 8 hours.

The Skullcandy Ecobuds are available from the link below for £29.99 and if you sign up for emails there is 10% off for your first order so only £26.99.

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