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Alcatel Go Watch
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My sample was white – but I am told other colours will be available. The dial is 3.3cm across by 2.6cm top to bottom; the bottom area is squared off. There are just two buttons, on/off on the right side and touch below the screen to light the display.
On first touch of the display you get an analogue watch with a rather nice display which stays for five seconds unless you press something again. There are twelve markings around the outside to denote the hours with four slashes between each mark to display the minutes, the hands are pleasantly chunky and a thin second sweep hand moves round the dial which is completed by a month and day display towards the base of the display area all this is white on a black background. There is actually a choice of six watch faces and these can be changed, five of the six faces are analogue but I prefer the default.
If you now touch the display area you get four screen showing brightly coloured icons – three of four icons and the last screen of two – which all perform a task.
My first visit was to a red heart on a white circle with a red outer square and this gives your heart rate and as I have worn such a device – costing a great deal more – for many years I was able to compare the two readings and they were very similar.
A lot of the other icons rely on linking to your SmartPhone either iOS or Android. A free app is available in the stores on Android it is called ‘onetouch move’. All the other colours are colour, white circle and colour square.
A yellow cloud with a sun on its edge is for weather, this tells you the weather for up to five days on different screens, as well as current temperature etc. A green workout screen has six different screens to swipe across to cover exercise, calorie intake and more. An orange screen allows you to select, walking, running or climbing stairs to show you type of workout. A purple set of headphones starts your phone playing music. A blue screen shows a stopwatch with the option to reset once touched again or resume from the last reading to get a very accurate timing. A pale green screen gives compass bearing and altitude. A light blue screen enables you to take a photo – 3 second delay – from your phone, what we all used to do before the Selfie. A very pale blue screen enables you to choose your watch face. A pale green screen rings your phone, ideal when it’s hiding behind a cushion on the sofa. A red screen says ‘Go Taste’ while a yellow screen turns watch vibrate on or off. A purple screen sets a setting and finally a pale red sets Aircraft mode.
From your phone it is possible to set up to twelve notification types to save you looking at your phone each time a Tweet or Facebook message arrives. You can set up to ten special people for fast action such as your boss, girl/boy friend parents etc.
There are more actions I have yet to mention both in the App and on the watch. This is a very good attempt at a Smart Watch at a very reasonable price.
Battery life might be a problem, it recharges in 75 minutes from empty, it is a micro USB connection on the rear of the watch under a rubber bung. When charging a battery indicator screen shows with percentage full and a digital watch shows current time.
I cannot comment on instructions or boxing as it was an early sample but in my short test period I only found one possible problem the length of time available between charges IE battery life, this might be a problem, it recharges in 75 minutes from empty, it is a micro USB connection on the rear of the watch under a rubber bung. When charging a battery indicator screen shows with percentage full and a digital watch shows current time.
The Alcatel Go Watch is available from from Amazon for £54.95 at the time of writing.
Check back in a week for the review of its predecessor which should still be available.
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Comment by paul_smart, 22 June 2016 7:37