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With a good part of the bud actually in the ear the biggest difference you notice is that it is 5cm from top to bottom, 1.5cm wide without the fin that has the flex required to fit most ears and this can more than double the width. The actual gel protrudes upwards from near the base of the unit meaning the flex pushes it further into the ear.
Unlike most recent buds that use the back of the bud as the control these have the controls on the back of the bud but inside the fin so there is no chance of a reflex movement of the finger changing track or ending a phone call accidently.
You can find a very fit looking lady on their website endorsing them while she completes strenuous workouts. Up to twelve hours of playtime from a single charge with the case providing charges for five more complete charges so 72 hours between needing to find a USB port to recharge the case.
Also in the box are the just mentioned USB ‘C’ to USB cable, a carry bag with sports towel and Quick Guide – a fold out sheet – in English and Spanish. The box it comes in has cut down waste and being plain brown cardboard should be fully recyclable.
The charge case is round at 6.5cm and is 3cm thick it has a hinged lid with a click shut mechanism which will initiate the charging of each bud as soon as the case is shut. Ten minutes of charge should give an hour of playtime for an empty bud. When in the case here is a tiny pin hole white LED that flashes while the bud is charging.
Each bud weighs just under 10 grams this is more than most but that is because the fin is part of it. There are 13mm drivers to give a good range of sound and there is a total of up to 35dB of sound.
Another reason for the snug fit is to help the built in automatic noise reduction ANR and to initiate this there are six microphones on the unit.
They are IPX7 certified so can be submerged in water for up to 30 minutes but Bluetooth capability currently drops off very quickly in water.
Now a feature that no other set of buds that I know of they come with 12 different sizes of Gel, this is important as stated that the bud is forced into the ear so for narrow passages this is vital.
They are available in white of black the latter is called Ash Grey.
Dottir Sports Earbuds are available from the link below for £119.99.