Earbuds are perhaps the jogger or more serious runners friend, often however the more vigorous the exercise the harder for the buds to stay in place and while you are listening to possibly encouraging music you need the buds to stay in place.
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First a shout of joy from me, a box that you do not have to destroy to remove the buds from, while there is a simple drawstring pouch to keep them in you could still replace in the box and of course the spare buds need somewhere so they do not become lost on a shelf, the box they came in is the obvious choice.
The ones sent to me were lime green with grey plugs and backs of the buds. I see they also do Blue and Grey.
While the nearest I come to running is a very brisk walk when late for a bus or train and then bits of me that normally stay static tend to move around and during those occasions the buds definitely remained in situ. My head is also subject to vigorous shaking when the bus has left early.
When wearing them at my desk the sound of the keyboard was non-existent even when being used.
Out and about traffic noise was quietened but not to the extent that I car horn would not be heard.
On the tube – normally far noisier than a train – you could still listen to music without turning the volume up to levels that would annoy other travellers.
The cord between the 90 degree cable attached to your SmartPhone or MP3 player and your ears is 1.2metres in length and has a small slider that can be tightened or loosened to get a nice fit and around 36cm down from the ears the two cords become one, on the cord from the left ear is the small 2.5cm long control box. The cord itself is flat so is less likely to tangle up when rolled up in your pocket.
The design of the bud and its ear is in two parts the normal silicon bit that plugs the ear and behind it a second silicon cover shaped like a single inverted comma or as I call it an ear, they call it Monster SportClip. This fits into the outer ear and helps keep the bud in place.
Only two languages on the Getting Started sheet English and French and there are two instructions both relating to the control box one side of it is the microphone and the other the multifunction button.
There are also two spare pairs of buds in a sealed bag.
As regular readers will know I keep an MP3 player with a range of music and voice files for review of 3.5mm connected earbuds and headphones. The range includes a good amount of my favourite Genre Jazz, as well as good samples of other Genres including things I do not like such as opera to make sure I test the whole range.
Like a good percentage of older people certain areas of sound tend to diminish like the normal talking of a female voice so I also include talking voice files among my range of tests.
I found these gave a good range of sounds and unlike some earbuds the amount of bass was just about right for me.
The Monster iSport Compete is available from the link below for $49.95.