Having used numerous types of glues that include the notorious Super Glue here something rather different a mouldable glue marketed under the name of Sugru. I was sent a pack in what they call earth colours of Red, Green, Brown and White.
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click image to enlargeThe front of the pack says it can be used to Fix, Create and Make. Perhaps in these days of so many allergies the other statements of Family Safe and Skin Friendly are even more important.
The package I was sent contains eight single use sachets in the four colours mentioned.
When it comes from the packet it is rather like a mouldable material in that it can be shaped – without you immediately sticking to it, in fact it remains that way for up to 30 minutes then it starts to harden an in 24 hours it becomes totally solid.
The range of materials it bonds with includes ceramics, glass, metal, wood, rubber, and most plastics and fabrics.
While most of us put jars on shelves and the space under the shelf is wasted why not put Sugru onto the lid top of a screw jar and then the space under the shelf is useable. While it is not designed to hold huge amounts of weight up to two kilos is stated and that is lots of things in the home and garage.
Reading through the small list of items Sugru is not suitable for is places that get very hot like an oven but not a lot else that is solid.
While a thin layer becomes ‘hardened’ after around half an hour a thicker layer can take a day to be fully bonded, full instructions and suggestions on the Sugru site.
Often things that have plastic parts when broken end up in landfill unless you expect the bond to have a hard life try mending it with Sugru and not only does the item not get dumped but you avoid having to buy a replacement.
Children’s toys are often things that can benefit from a dose of Sugru and remember Sugru as reviewed by me is Family Safe and Skin Friendly so once bonded might save money as the headless doll now has its head back.
The pack I was sent has eight foil packets of Sugru each with a strip 6x2cm that can be moulded into whatever shape or added round something that is fragile to make it stronger.
I am sure we all have something with a broken part that with a little thought could be repaired or improved. As we get older certain things get more difficult to use because our grip changes or we do not have basic strength to do certain things so a piece of Sugru placed around or over something and made into a certain shape can make a difficult task manageable again.
Also telling colours or things for those with limited sight can be helped by a layer of Sugru, all small tasks but allowing someone to remain independent would perhaps allow another member of the family to keep working and not become a fulltime carer.
The pack as supplied to me is available from the link below for £12.99.