A simple device and when your mouse of a long time starts to move of its own accord you think it must be me, eventually I plugged in a spare – even older – unit and that quickly showed the same symptoms so a visit to my local Wilko had me spending £2.50 on a new one, and this – so far – behaves correctly.
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click image to enlargeIf you are a gaming person and need a seven – or more – button mouse then this is certainly not for you.
This is a basic two button mouse with a lighted blue scroll wheel in between.
Within reason I like a smaller mouse and this certainly fulfils this criteria as it is 10x5x3cm (maximum dimensions) my misbehaving rodent was 12x6x3.5cm not a huge difference but something that spends long hours in the hand needs to be comfortable.
Like so many things connected to a computer the reason is not straightforward, I can understand the mouse not working at all and I can understand it working correctly what I cannot understandis that it would move for no reason at unpredictable times, however the answer seems to be spend £2.50 at Wilko and get peace and lower blood pressure when the wrong icon gets clicked as the mouse moved just as you clicked.
While I have just it for just a week it felt right after only a day or so simply as it did what I asked.
I am not over keen on the bright blue LED that shines constantly from the scroll wheel, when I walk into my home office at night I can find my desk without turning the light on as this beacon lights the way, you do not notice it so much in the day but it is still there.
While a £2.50 mouse would not normally merit a review nor would a sub £10 fan heater but both have had such treatment this year from me as if you have no heat you appreciate it on a cold day and at this time of year it still has a use as a fan. A mouse that moves on its own just stops work happening so both items although basic products are useful even as stop gaps.
My heating has now been repaired but the Wilko sold Beldray fan heater still sits in my office and on a humid day like today gets used.
I see no need for a more expensive mouse as this £2.50 offering moves across the screen when requested, the clicks – left or right – work on command and I can scroll long documents and web pages at the speed I can read them, that is all I want from a mouse.
Mine was red and grey but I see they also do black and grey.
The Texet two button mouse with scroll wheel is available from Wilko stores or online for £2.50.