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The Nescafé Dolce Gusto Piccolo is undoubtedly the smallest machine; it can hold just enough water for three cups and would be ideal for the small flat.
It is a maximum of 30cm tall, 22cm from front to back and 14.5cm wide, mine was in a nice bright red colour.
Whereas the Circolo (reviewed here) had similar water container in the rear this slots into place a lot easier than that container did.
The coffee it takes is exactly the same pods as with all the earlier machines so if you liked them the coffee here is the same.
As with all these machines plug it in and press the on/off button on the side, it will flash red until the water is heated when the LED turns green you are ready to make good coffee in just a few seconds. In a nice way its instant!
Put the pod into the holder lower the lever to hold it in place and slide the blue/red lever to the red position and with a cup or mug in position your coffee is produced. If you like really boiling - burn your lips and tongue – coffee then use a kettle, while I find this hot you can sip it straight away and within a minute of so drink it.
While this is the smallest machine it works at the same pressure as the Circolo but as its smaller it is also a bit nosier.
There are now a bewildering array of different types of coffee. First the blue settings the cold ones that I have yet to taste as the supermarkets I use never seem to have them available and as this test was in mid winter…
First what I think is the newest and its not even Coffee its Nestea, the other is Cappuccino Ice that would be great on a hot summer day. For those Chocoholics there is Chococino or Mocha the latter I have tried previously.
Now onto what this machine was designed for coffee, firstly you those who cant take caffeine, Espresso Ristretto. For those who must have black, Expresso Intenso, Expresso and Expresso Decaf. Next Americano, then Caffé Lungo and Caffé Lungo Decaf. Now Caffe Grande Intenso and the latest I have tried Caffe Crema Grande.
My favourite is still Cappuccino, for those who are weight watching they have introduced Cappuccino Skinny. Three flavours of Latte Macchiato along with the original there is a Skinny version as well as an unsweetened.
Other flavours are also available on the website including a Peach flavour. Each pack you buy has a 12 digit code enter this into the site and you get 11 points off your next pack (each pack costs 120 points) each machine you purchase has a code worth 200 points. However if you cannot get a flavour you want in your local shops you can buy at the same price by mail but there is a p&p fee that only makes this economic when you purchase several packs at the same time.
Currently the Nescafe Piccolo Krups is available from Amazon on the link below for £54.99 $99.99 €107,87 including their free delivery:
Details from Krups on this link.