In the morning there are two stimulants to get you out of bed one you will know about as you reach older age -your bladder - and the second the smell of a fresh brewed cup of coffee, even the sound of the beans being ground could do it.
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As Bean to Cup coffee machines go this is thin at 19.5cm wide, it is 48cm deep and 35cm tall.
Setup is just a matter of putting beans in the hopper on top of the unit and putting water in its container that shares the back part of the unit with the bean hopper.
Next flush some water through and test the steam from the milk frother.
Now place a cup under the coffee outlet and in less than two minutes you can be drinking your first cup of black or white coffee.
This is a machine for either a small office or your home.
The one thing not provided in a stainless steel jug while other receptacles will still froth the milk the jug is possibly easier to clean and if used solely for milk it will never get a taste on it.
While there is a very comprehensive manual included unless you have a problem little of it will be needed.
It is a simple to use machine with all the controls at the top in a horizontal line of twist chrome knob five touch buttons and another twist chrome knob. Below the first knob is the on/off button and under the other chrome knob is where the steam exits to foam your milk.
You can vary the cup size with the first twist knob and set your coffee strength by using the touch button which goes sequentially from one to three beans shown by LEDs.
Even cleaning is straightforward the spent coffee is in a cube in its special tray inside the machine around six of these and it needs to be thrown away. Any waste water from the drip tray and the internal workings – it is
automatically flushed when turned off – goes into the tray in the base of the machine which is designed to hold the separate grounds cube container that just lifts out so it’s only a liquid that can go down the sink. This will probably need emptying at around the same time as the coffee grounds container but there is an indicator on the LED to say when this is required.
The water container takes around a litre of water which can be around three to six cups of coffee according to size of cup used.
I always enjoy reviewing coffee machines and they are very popular with readers who want more than a spoonful of ‘instant’ however good that is. Some machines – even pod ones – can give a nice crema top but the smell from a bean to cup machine cannot be beaten.
Once you have found a coffee of your choice you will probably visit a coffee shop less – unless your real reason is their cakes!!! – and therefore save money.
At the time of publication the Melitta Avanza 6767843 is available from Amazon for £499.99 including free delivery. Further details can be found on the Melitta web site.