Certainly not my favourite job and one that only gets done when things get really bad or as in this case when I am sent a tool to take the hard work out of cleaning windows and best of all remove the mess so all you see is clean windows.
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I seem to remember a strap line that I think referred to a vacuum cleaner ‘so easy to use even a man can use it’ it seems appropriate here but no doubt if someone used it today there would be a pack of lawyers claiming certain laws had been broken. So I will simply say I found it easy to setup and use and yes I am a man.
There is a QuickStart A5 sheet that uses only diagrams and numbers to get round needing to provide separate sheets for various languages and if you follow the illustrations you will be cleaning windows just over six hours after opening the box.
Why six hours? That is the time you need to charge the units internal battery for and then about two minutes to do the other four items on the check list.
So the principle is simple put a small amount of the supplied cleaning liquid in the correct part of the unit the fill this section with water. Turn the unit on after two other short steps and pull the unit down the window. The water and cleaning solution are fed into the cloth on the unit the window is washed and the waste water/liquid is sucked into the second storage area by a sort of vacuum action so as soon as the rubber strip at the top of the unit has gone over the window it is almost dry so no chance of runs.
The trick is to flip the unit off the window as you near the bottom to allow the rubber strip to clear the last part without any smear.
The drawback is that it can only work on windows at least 28.5cm wide and on my tests with other than smooth glass were less than perfect.
It is 28.5x13x9cm and almost triangular in shape with a nice easy to grip integral handle being the top part of the unit.
The supplied 200ml bottle of cleaning solution should last a good time and there is a spare cloth pad supplied, these pads are machine washable and should also last a reasonable period. They fit into the base of the unit and are held securely.
There is an instruction manual of forty pages and this is in English with plenty of diagrams.
You should be able to clean windows for around 30 minutes on a full battery charge but in that time you may need to refill the water/liquid container and or empty the waste water container.
Assuming you follow the instructions you really should not get wet arms.
While this unit worked well I have a number of smaller windows which this unit could not deal with.
The kobold VG100 is available from the Amazon for £177.81 including delivery. The cleaning solution is also available from Amazon for £19.52 in a 500ml bottle.