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The product has the name of eniTAB360º Tablet Holder and I was sent the small <8.4" to be used with own 7" screen tablet
It consists of a single piece of plastic – grey in colour – hinged and with a turntable at the top end of the hinged area.
The base is 16cm long and 7cm wide, then the hinge and the top part is 12cm high and the same 7cm wide till the 7.6cm tall circular overlay which rotates this is 9cm across and the centre of this has an adhesive behind a shield which you remove and then stick your Tablet, it remains in place but you can remove the Tablet when required and this area remains sticky to allow reattachment.
On first look I assumed the weak point would be the hinge and that the Tablet would move or at least droop it does neither but you can easily change the angle to improve Tablet viewing when required.
Interestingly I was initially using it upside down – it still works – and I only discovered this when I glanced at the image on the box.
To clarify I was using it with the prop lower down the back and the balance laid along the desk, whereas the illustration shows it with the rotation area towards the top of the Tablet and the prop at around 75 degrees to the Tablet.
So it looks much like an artist’s easel except that the only part of the Tablet Holder that touches the table or desk is the prop at the rear.
On my 7 inch Tablet there is 14cm between the front base of the Tablet and the part of the prop that touches the desk.
It is stated to move between 0 and 140 degrees, it can rotate so you use it in landscape mode it still functions perfectly well in this case the distance between the base of the screen and where the prop touches the table/desk is 17cm.
The last 1cm of the prop nearest the table or desk is made of silicon rubber so it will not slip. My unit was light grey and the colour of the silicon rubber was an exact match.
Let me reiterate that the prop will sit in any angle and providing you are not trying to use it with a vastly oversized Tablet it will not shift. I am told they do two larger versions for larger Tablets.
When you move around and hold the Tablet in your hand the prop goes flat against the back and the increase in weight to the Tablet is minimal.
The Filofax eniTAB360º ‘Small’ is available from the link below for £14.99 in small or large.