This is the latest in a range of Gimbals from Zhiyun. It has the ability to expand its length and even an attachment that enables image background fills so the Smooth Q4 Combo is far more than just a camera Gimbal be it used hand held or with the supplied tripod to enable you to control it remotely from a second SmartPhone.
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click image to enlargeWhile its default length is 28cm attaching the tripod to the end of the grip can give you another 13cm of length, when the tripod is opened this is only 3cm. However for serious extra length in the arm the top manually expands by up to another 22cm so you should be able to get clear images or videos over even the tallest people.
It comes in a hard zip up padded case; the items in the case are the Gimbal and the tripod. A zip up section in the lid has a USB ‘C’ to USB charging cable, the light attachment complete with fill light and four different filter attachments and a Zhiyun Prime redemption card. When I downloaded the .PDF User Guide I see that there should have been a Quick Start Guide but this was not in my box.
The .PDF Guide should get you up and running as its 32 pages are well illustrated and has the ability for Quick Keyword Search and Quick Jump between chapters.
However once you have charged the Gimbal for the first time a few tests should get you up and running controlling the unit from the Gimbal where you are able to work out which buttons do what. This is important so you do not need to take your eyes from the images you are capturing.
The User Guide also covers the download of an App that would allow the control of the Gimbal to happen remotely from a second SmartPhone.
Your thumb – be you left or right handed – controls movement and there is a small joystick control which allows up, down, left and right movement.
There are two further buttons beside the joystick and one more or each side while the trigger button on the rear is easily controlled by the finger next to your thumb.
Both tilt and pan are amazingly smooth in use and once used to the controls you can capture fast moving action a great deal better than without the Gimbal.
The fill light works well and does allow you to capture images for better in less than ideal lighting conditions giving extra support to the improved cameras in almost all recent SmartPhones.
While I used the App with Android it is stated to work just as well with an Apple version of the App.
At the time of publication the Smooth Q4 Combo is available from the Amazon priced at £119.