A visit to London for the recent Intel Labs Day told me new things to come and also the current relationship with McAfee a company now part of their portfolio. An Intel Anti-Virus is something for the future here I tell you about what is available now.
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click image to enlargeA lot of interesting things were covered for me anyway, with Virus’s being a constant threat a statistic saying that only 33% of consumers are worried about data being stolen. 65% believe that PC’s Smartphones and Social Media will be vulnerable. 60% of people worry about problems with financial transactions.
A lot of talk in and out of the conference concerned ‘Smart Homes’ and how well or not various different parts mesh with each other. A huge 64% worry about being hacked in their ‘Smart Home’. 75% worry about the number of passwords both those in characters and more advanced offerings such as fingerprints and even eye prints.
Nearly 90% would choose all their ‘Smart Home’ offerings from a single supplied for convenience.
A few facts regarding passwords, 73% admit using duplicate passwords, 50% say they would not change even after being compromised. As far as Virus/Spyware protection a lowly 39% use it on their PC and only 28% on their Smart Phones. While the latter figure is not a surprise to me the former definitely is.
These presentations had a lot of figures one such which companies do they trust with their information such as age, sex, address and marital status. The top company with 25% was IKEA, Microsoft was third with 18%. Between the two mentioned was Mercedes Benz and forth was another car giant BMW with Apple only fifth.
Another question that was broken down by country produced very different results. ‘Is privacy or convenience more important’. India it seems was the highest at 48% with Germany the lowest at 12%, the UK figure was 18%.
Most seem to think that financial details are the most vulnerable and few seemed to argue with that fact so Internet Banking has probably the strongest security which a lot of people seem to accept. However I recently had a query over a new Credit Card, I emailed the company concerned they replied that they could not answer by email as it was unsecure and suggested I contact them by mobile phone. After I stopped laughing I ended my relationship with that company as surely everyone knows how insecure mobile phones are.
Talking of mobile phones I heard that people store their pin numbers on mobile phones, I do hope they have good security.
There were a lot of other interesting presentations but if you look at the Apple or Android store you will find a number of Apps to help to keep you your identity and your money safe.
When I checked the top four were McAfee offerings, Security & Power Booster, Security Innovations, Family Protection and EMM, after a couple of AntiVirus and Security from AVG and Norton, came Safe Wi-Fi, Heartbleed Detector, Endpoint Assistant, Fake ID Protector, and Secure Protector to mention just some Apps available from a quick search.
The Apps mentioned - and more - were all available from the Android store.