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click image to enlargeBoth of these items are add-ons that also require you to have a Neos camera installed as they link into your Wi-Fi and then give you push notifications via the camera. However it is possible to have the camera unarmed with the Neos App open on your phone and get notified of an open door or window that the sensor is attached to.
The movement sensors are stick on to surfaces and work more easily to the inside of inward opening doors but with the aid of a small piece of wood and some added glue I did stick one on the inside of an outwardly opening door and it works correctly.
You get two sets of the sensors in the kit as well as one motion sensor. The sender part is 4x3x1.5cm and the other part – which can be as much as two centimeters apart is 4x1x1.5cm they are slightly magnetic. The motion sensor is 4x4x3cm and semicircular at the front to get the widest view the other part is heavily magnetic with a flat sticky back and semicircular front that fits into the back of the movement sensor.
Both the types of sensor are powered by internal battery that is stated to last eighteen months.
They send a signal to your camera via the bridge and that alerts you via a push signal that in the case of the pair of sensors shows on your phone as door or window open or closed, you choose what to call each sensor.
The Leak Sensor is a pack of three that are again linked to your camera via a bridge into the USB port on the back of your camera, the same bridge works for both movement and leak units.
The Leak units are 7.5x4x2.5cm and have two ‘AAA’ batteries fitted in the unit.
Not only can these sensors notify you of water leaks but also of humidity and temperature changes you set the levels in the App.
A water sensor under your sink could be an ideal location that may remain unnoticed for a while if the leak is small. Humidity and indeed temperature could be ideal in a conservatory so that plants do not get overheated or indeed frost damaged.
While the camera previously reviewed is totally a security device and may even earn a discount dependent on your insurer. The door or window sensors could remind you before you get an unwelcome visitor. The movement sensor can also notify you of problems. While the Water sensors can save you money by detecting a leak when it is minor and even remind someone who is absent minded that they have left the sink or bath filling and then forgotten it. Either of the units can save a claim and that in itself can save you more money.
So if you do not have a Neos Camera look at my review of the 7th October last year (2019). It's available from Amazon for £29.99 including free delivery.
You'll find the Neos Smart Motion Kit is also available from Amazon priced, at publication, £35.99
The Neos Smart Leak Sensor Kit is currently available for £44.99, also with free delivery.
Lots more details on how both the Neos items work can be found in this You Tube from Neos.