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This machine is fairly basic in that it has no bean grinder but if you like your coffee then you probably have somewhere where they roast and grind – use your nose – if it’s there you will find it. The smell of fresh roasted coffee will entice almost anyone.
The machine is 30cm deep, 25cm wide and 32cm tall so should fit on most worktops.
The water container fits into the rear of the machine and can hold up to 1.8litres of water. The hard wired mains lead is 1.2metres long and emerges from the base of the back of the machine.
So how long after staggering into the kitchen in the morning till you have a double strength Expresso in your hand, it could be as little as a minute assuming there is water in the tank and you have a cup under the delivery spouts. If your taste is for Latte or Cappuccino then double that time as heating the milk in the stainless steel jug supplied with the machine takes time and a little skill.
The whole idea started at a recent event where AO the online site that states it will never be undersold by another site was holding an event and the coffee machine they were using was the top of the range Sage unit that has heat sensors for water and milk and the expert lady demonstrator could get you a head on your coffee that you could shave with. My attempts were drinkable but did not have the professional touch.
Two things I noticed that apply to whichever machine are, part way through pouring the milk on the coffee is stop and tap the jug on the worksurface this makes the foam easier to apply and secondly something I remembered only after wondering why the steam wand had a discoloured end is to wipe it with a cloth immediately or the stainless steel will discolour, I hope those two hints will help.
A folder A4 sheet has 30 documented illustrations on one side to show you how to setup the machine and 22 documented illustrations on the other side on how to clean it.
If you find a blend of coffee in your favourite coffee shop you like try to find what it is and how it’s roasted then a basic machine should do the rest apart from learning to froth expertly that will take time but in fairness it only improves the look not the taste.
There is also a 28 page A5 instruction guide that also has some useful tips and I suggest you settle down with a coffee and read it to get the best from your – not cheap – machine.
The front of the machine has two push buttons towards the top of the front, the left one is power and the right one lets you select either water or stream to come from the wand. Between these is a three position selector knob ‘coffee-off-wand’.
There are different sized holes in the supplied filter baskets to suit different coffee grinds as well as other useful bits and pieces.
The coffee tastes good once you have a blend and roast of your choice and of course a lot cheaper to produce than buying it at a coffee shop but you do need to keep the machine clean.
The Duo Temp Pro Sage by Heston Blumenthal is available from the link below for £315 with free delivery.