A recent visit to a show in London found me with time on my hands before an arranged meeting and wandering round the other stands found several interesting products not least the AnySharp stand who have scizzors that can cut bone and a sharpener that can give anything metal an edge.
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AnySharp Smart Sizzors
These curved sizzors (their spelling) can open bottles, crush garlic, crack nuts and best of all cut through most materials including bone. They are ‘dishwasher safe’ usable in both hands so ideal for those of us who are left handed.
They are 23cm long 8.5cm wide at the handle and around 1.5cm wide. The curved blade is 9.5cm from the pivot.
I tested the bone claim on chicken and it worked correctly, do not however expect them to cut through a leg of lamb.
The packaging they come in something that often gives me problems as they are sealed in hard to cut plastic so they can be displayed easily on the dealers shelves once these are out of the packaging that problem should not bug me anymore.
I have never resorted to trying to open beer bottles with my teeth but I know people who have.
Their simple strap ‘The only pair of scissors (spelt correctly here) you will ever need’ and so far my tests agree.
The Smart Sizzors are available from Amazon for £7.86 including delivery.
AnySharp Knife Sharpener
Watching an expect demonstrator can persuade a lot of people to buy things. I saw one sharpening with this product knifes with edges and even serrated examples which I have since done myself with the same degree of success using the sample given to me at the show.

click image to enlarge
What I yet to do is carry out some of the other things he demonstrated on a large axe and perhaps the most strange a builders cement trowel that he then proceeded to cut a ripe tomato into wafer thin slices.
It is circular at 6cm across and when the guard is out of the way a maximum of 5.5cm tall. It comes in a range of colours to suit your kitchen – or dare I saw – workshop.
It has a suction base activated by lowering the guard so that it firmly attached to a solid surface before you can use it.
You only sharpen the knife – or whatever you are sharpening – one way by drawing it towards you this is clearly shown on the top of the unit.
Any professional will probably still say their steel is best but that is a precision tool and you have to know how to use it to get the best from your knife.
Most of us want to be able to get a smooth cut on our meat or even our tomatoes and this can certain give you that.
I doubt most of us want an edge on a cement trowel and while an axe with a sharp blade is desirable not really a job you would think of to use a knife sharpener for.
The AnySharp Knife Sharpener is also available from Amazon for £9.50 and includes free delivery.
Fill detaults of this product can be found on the AnyShart web site.
Comment by paul_smart, 1 Aug 2017 7:48