If you have a bowling green or a cricket pitch then this is not for you, if you have a couple of acres of grass to mow this is not for you, however if you have an average size lawn that gets hard treatment then this offering from Wilko could fit the bill.
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You will need a small screwdriver to screw the two bottom parts of the handle to the body and also to attach the cable tie area higher up. The semi-circular top of the handle attaches via supplied thumb screw fitments either side of the bottom parts of the handle.
The self-tightening wheels and covers have three different heights – make sure all the wheels go into the correct holes – and you are ready to mow.
All is explained in the illustrated User Guide the one thing that is less than clear is how the mesh grass cutting basket fits but trial and error found how it clips over the body, but a clearer illustration would have saved a couple of minutes.
I suggest you do read the %^&*£”+ manual (RTFM) as I started assembly from the top rather than the bottom but it only meant untwisting the two thumb screws so it did not waste much time. However if anything is left over then you should RTFM and start again because there are no spare bits.
It comes with a 10 metre hard wired cable and together with my six metre extension lead I could cut my whole lawn from my greenhouse midway down the lawn.
I made my first cut at the start of April and had three full grass boxes full of grass.
Now to explain why you would not cut anything that needs a fine finish there are three heights set by the four wheels 30mm, 45mm and 60mm. A cricket pitch with 30mm of grass would not be nice to bat on.
As the weeks go on a regular cut will get easier and I am now down to two grass box full of grass and will probably get down to one if we have a hot summer. I have even managed to miss a week during the recent prolonged dry spell.
Mine is not a perfect lawn by any means it has humps and bumps as well as the odd root near the back end so a good cylinder mower would be completely wasted.
This is a rotary unit that has a cutting area of 32cm in total.
So far I have used this seven times once a week for four weeks and while the first cut should have been at 45mm I have left it at the lowest setting of 30mm.
This is a basic unit which is perfectly suitable for a small area where the grass is kept ‘neat’ and from a distance looks nice, anything that cut finer would in my case anyway show more flaws. It provides somewhere for the chair when we get a nice summer late afternoon.
The Wilko electric lawn mower has a 1000w motor and weights 11kilos. The grass collection box is said to hold 27 litres.
It is available from their shops to takeaway or online at £50 with delivery available from £4.