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This Nespresso Machine measures 35x27x12cm, the exception is where the milk frother joins the unit two thirds of the way down the right side and then the width increases by 10cm to 22cm.
While people who make ‘good’ coffee at home are in two camps the ‘bean’ and the ‘pod’. This machine is from the ‘pod’ arena and Nespresso are one of the leading players.
For those who do not know the making of a good ‘pod’ cup of coffee can be done almost in your sleep which is a good thing as a decent cup of coffee is the thing to stir you first thing in the morning.
There are two buttons on the top edge of the machine the one on the left for a ‘short’ cup and the one on the right for a ‘long cup’. Press either to heat the water stored in the Perspex container rear of the machine this takes around a litre so a good few Expressos. The button will stop flashing after around 25 seconds your water is hot, now a decision short or long. The short will be ready in 15 seconds the long around 45 seconds. If you want a frothy coffee then heating the milk and frothing it – even semi skimmed – takes around 45 seconds.
So providing you remembered to place a cup under the spout you can absorb the smell as it dispenses.
If you use the frother you need to remove the lid of the circular container and pour into the cup at around 45 degrees milk first and tip further to dispense the froth on top.
That’s it so around one minute after staggering into the kitchen you have a hot – just sipable – coffee if black and a slightly longer slurp if white especially through the froth.
What I have described is the ‘auto’ action but if you want something between a short and long press the right button to start and press it again when you have the amount you want but this will require at least one eye to be open.
Your machine will come with sixteen different coffee pods all described in one of the two A5 booklets that come with the machine.
Nespresso break their pods into five groups, Intenso, Expresso, Pure Origin, Lungo and Decaffeinato.
Most will start their day with a strong coffee and gradually get mellower unless you need a push to get a job done later in the day. Remember for most a strong coffee later in the day will hold sleep at bay.
While the coffee is of course a Nespresso secret their machines have been around for a while and with a number of companies making ‘compatible’ pods that is surely a sign they must be doing things right.
The integrated ‘milk’ frother means that you or I can be a person capable of making a good frothy coffee at home. It has a clever whizzer rotation device in the base of the milk unit which is held magnetically and is easy to remove for cleaning of both it and the whole inside of the milk unit.
The Magimix Nespresso Citiz & Milk is available from Amazon for £170.09 with free delivery.